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About this Website

Monitor Calibration

Your monitor is calibrated when you can see details in dark and light area.



This website was designed to viewed in resolutions above 1024x768 and tested under IE6, Firefox 1.0 and Opera 6.0. The design is static (yes, I have thought about doing it dynamically but I had some free webspace lying around without PHP/MySQL support, so I didn't bother to look further) and done in HTML 4.01 transitional code with some usage of cascading style sheets (CSS 2.0) and is w3c compliant.

Valid HTML 4.01! Get Firefox!


The goal of this website is to have a means to show the world what I tend to do with my spare time. It is not meant to gobble up that spare time. Maintenance, updates and changes will occur as I see fit.


When scales are used, such as when rating sky conditions, the lowest value (eg. 1/5) stands for the best rating and the highest value (eg. 5/5) stands for the worst.

Drawings, Photographs and Other Data

Usually, when publishing a photo or drawing I try to include as much technical and circumstancial data as possible. If something is missing feel free to contact me.


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