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telescope  250mm f/4 Newtonian
eyepiece  Televue Plössl 32mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 1/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  16/05/2002 22:50
location  Hove, Belgium

M84, M86, NGC4387 and NGC4388
telescope  400mm f/10 Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Panoptic 35mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 4/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  11/04/2005 21:15 - 21:30
location  Hove, Belgium
m84, m86, ngc4387 and ngc4388

M86, NGC4402, NGC4425 , NGC4435 and NGC4438
telescope  400mm f/10 Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Panoptic 35mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 4/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  11/04/2005 21:30 - 21:50
location  Hove, Belgium
m86, ngc4402, ngc4425 and ngc4438

M84-M86 region mosaic
telescope  400mm f/10 Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Panoptic 35mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 4/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  11/04/2005 21:15 - 21:50
location  Hove, Belgium
m84-m86 region

M87, NGC4476, NGC4478, NGC4486A, NGC4486B and ? IC3443 ?
telescope  400mm f/10 Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Panoptic 35mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 4/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  11/04/2005 22:10 - 22:30
location  Hove, Belgium
comment  A faint star in the drawing corresponds with the position of IC3443 with no other stars nearby.
m87, ngc4476, ngc4478, ngc4486A, ngc4486B and ?ic3443?

telescope  335mm f/5 Dobsonian
eyepiece  Televue Nagler 7mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 2/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 4/5
time  14/09/2004 0:10
location  Boechout, Belgium

telescope  335mm f/5 Dobsonian
eyepiece  Televue Nagler 7mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 2/5 - Transparancy : 4/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  19/10/2004 3:00
location  Boechout, Belgium

NGC4558 and NGC4561
telescope  400mm f/10 Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Panoptic 35mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 4/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  11/04/2005 21:15 - 21:30
location  Hove, Belgium
ngc4558 and ngc4561

NGC4559 - Caldwell 36
telescope  40cm f/10 Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Panoptic 35mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 1/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  19/05/2004 21:15
location  Hove, Belgium

NGC4565 - Caldwell 38
telescope  Meade 10" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Plössl 20mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 2/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  16/05/2004 22:45
location  Hove, Belgium

NGC5248 - Caldwell 45
telescope  Meade 10" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Plössl 20mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 2/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  16/05/2004 22:15
location  Hove, Belgium

NGC7814 - Caldwell 43
telescope  Celestron 11" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain
eyepiece  Televue Plössl 32mm
sky conditions  Seeing : 3/5 - Transparancy : 2/5 - Light Pollution : 3/5
time  25/08/2003 22:20
location  Hove, Belgium
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