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Moon and Venus

moon and venus with old mill
lens  Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 SSC at f/1.4
camera  Canon New F-1
film  Agfa Vista 100
processing  Processing in Photoshop 6.0 and Iris
location  17:00 UT, 24th of Januari 2004 - Boechout, Belgium

moon and venus with old mill
lens  Canon FD 70-210mm f/4 at 210mm and f/4
lens  Vivitar MC Teleconverter 2X-4
camera  Canon A-1
film  Fuji Superia 400
processing  Processing in Photoshop 6.0 and Iris
location  17:00 UT, 23th of April 2004 - Boechout, Belgium
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