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Full Disk Mosaics


Full Moon - Illumination: 99.9%

full moon at perigee
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 40D
exposure  mosaic of 16 exposures of 1/400s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in AutoPano Pro and Photoshop CS2
location  13th of December 2008 - Hove, Belgium


First Quarter - Illumination: 50%

a bit after first quarter
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 9 exposures of 1/60s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  23th of May 2007 - Hove, Belgium

Gibbeous Moon - Illumination: 71%

two days after first quarter
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 9 exposures of 1/100s
film  ISO 200
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  27th of March 2007 - Hove, Belgium

First Quarter - Illumination: 61%

a bit after first quarter
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 7 exposures of 1/160s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  26th of March 2007 - Hove, Belgium


Last Quarter - Illumination: 57%

a bit before last quarter
telescope  Takahashi FS-102 (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
lens  Televue Powermate 2.5x
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 3 exposures of 1/25s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  18th of June 2006 - Hove, Belgium

Full Moon - Illumination: 100%

full moon
telescope  Takahashi FS-102 (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
lens  Televue Powermate 2.5x
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 6 exposures of 1/80s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  11th of June 2006 - Hove, Belgium

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Illumination: 96%

waxing gibbous moon
telescope  Opticon 30cm f/8 Newtonian (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 4 exposures of 1/100s
film  ISO 400
mount  Equatorial Mount (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  9th of June 2006 - Hove, Belgium

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Illumination: 91%

waxing gibbous moon
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 11 exposures of 1/100s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  8th of June 2006 - Hove, Belgium

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Illumination: 77%

waxing gibbous moon
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 9 exposures of 1/400s
film  ISO 1600 (don't ask)
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  6th of June 2006 - Hove, Belgium


Full Moon - Illumination: 100%

full moon
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 13 exposures of 1/30s
film  ISO 100
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in AutoStitch and Photoshop CS2
location  16th of October 2005 - Hove, Belgium

Waning Gibbous Moon - Illumination: 90%

waning gibbous moon
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 12 exposures of 1/100s
film  ISO 200
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in AutoStitch and Photoshop CS2
location  21st of September 2005 - Hove, Belgium

Waning Gibbous Moon - Illumination: 95%

waning gibbous moon
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 12 exposures of 1/640s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in PTAssembler and Photoshop CS2
location  20th of September 2005 - Hove, Belgium

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Illumination: 98%

waxing gibbous moon
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon EOS 20D
exposure  mosaic of 18 exposures of 1/320s
film  ISO 400
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in AutoStich and Photoshop CS2
location  16th of September 2005 - Hove, Belgium

First Quarter - Illumination: 44%

first quarter
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon New F-1
film  Fuji Sensia 400
exposure  Mosaic of 4 1/60 second exposures
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in Photoshop 6.0 and Neat Image
location  15th of May 2005 - Hove, Belgium

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Illumination: 93%

waxing gibbous moon
telescope  Astro Optik Philipp Keller 40cm f/10 Cassegrain (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
camera  Canon New F-1
film  Fuji Velvia 100F
exposure  Mosaic of 6 1/30 second exposures
mount  Fork Mount by Astro Optik Philipp Keller (Volkssterrenwacht Urania)
processing  Processing in Photoshop 6.0, Iris and Neat Image
location  21st of April 2005 - Hove, Belgium

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