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Circumzenithal Arc

28/05/2006 - Boechout, Belgium

circumzenithal arc, uppertangent arc and faint supralateral arc
lens  EF 17-40 mm f/4 L @ 17mm f/18
camera  Canon EOS 20D
film  ISO 800
exposure  1/800s
processing  Processing in Photoshop CS2

26/06/2005 - Hove, Belgium

circumzenithal arc
lens  EF-S 18-55 F/3.5-5.6 @18mm f/14
camera  Canon 300D
film  ISO 400
exposure  1/500s
processing  Processing in Photoshop 6.0

circumzenithal arc
lens  EF-S 18-55 F/3.5-5.6 @55mm f/14
camera  Canon 300D
film  ISO 400
exposure  1/400s
processing  Processing in Photoshop 6.0
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